LUNAS fue creado por Jorge Monzón de AVI y la Dra. Verónica Martínez-Cerdeño de The Ventricular Foundation para traer profesionales dedicados a servir a nuestras comunidades multiétnicas. Además, todo el equipo está conformado por profesionales que cuentan con varios años de experiencia educativa en pediatría, genética, terapias adaptativas, recursos para padres, investigaciones actuales de TEA, capacitación y tutoría para padres e hijos.
Junto con nuestro equipo de producción, nuestros colaboradores en LUNAS son expertos en su campo del neurodesarrollo, medicina, pediatría genética, terapias, investigación de TEA y padres con experiencias vividas. Ellos/as han contribuido amablemente con conocimientos e historias al enriquecimiento de contenido que LUNAS ofrece a la comunidad. Les damos las gracias por su amable contribución.
LUNAS was originated by Jorge Monzón from AVI and Dr. Veronica Martinez-Cerdeno from The Ventricular Foundation to bring professionals dedicated to serving our multi-ethnic communities. The content in LUNAS has been produced with a team approach based on many years of educational lived experiences in pediatrics, genetics, adaptive therapies, parent resources, current ASD research.
Along with our production team, our collaborators in LUNAS are experts in their fields of neurodevelopment disorders, medicine, pediatrics, genetics, therapies, ASD research, and parents with lived experiences. They have graciously contributed with knowledge and stories to the content enrichment LUNAs offer to the community. We thank them for their kind contribution.
Jorge Monzón
Producer/ Creative Director
Lead Medical Interpreter
AVI Productions CEO
LUNAS Production Director
Verónica Martínez-Cerdeño, PhD
Professor and Principal Investigator
UC Davis School of Medicine/MIND Institute
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
The Ventricular Foundation CEO
LUNAS Scientific Director
María Jimena Salcedo-Arellano, MD
Associate Specialist/Postdoctoral Fellow
UC Davis School of Medicine/MIND Institute
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
LUNAS Educational Content Creator/Project Coordinator
Rebecca Mardach, MD
Clinical Geneticist
UC San Diego
Rady Children's Hospital
Bibiana Restrepo MD
Associate Clinical Professor
Developmental and behavioral pediatrician
UC Davis School of Medicine/MIND Institute
Department of Pediatrics
Maribel Hernández
Community Outreach Specialist
Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (CEDD)
UC Davis MIND Institute
Randi Hagerman, MD
Distinguished Professor
UC Davis School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Medical Director, UC Davis MIND Institute
Chinelo Emeka- Nwonovo, MD
ESDM certified therapist
Internal Medicine Resident
Mount Sinai Hospital Chicago
Jennifer Villareal, MS
Child neuropsychologist
Graduate Student
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
UC Davis MIND Institute
Leonard Abbeduto PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Director, UC Davis MIND Institute
Rosa Denisse Rodriguez, MD
Developmental and behavioral pediatrician
UC Davis School of Medicine/MIND Institute
Department of Pediatrics
Vanessa M. Ávila-Pons, MA, LMFT
ESDM Treatment Manager
LEND - Community Site Coordinator
UC Davis MIND Institute
Laura del Hoyo Soriano, PhD
Neuropsychologist and Researcher (Project scientist series)
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
UC Davis MIND Institute